
All data on this website is made available under the CC-BY license. This means that you can reuse it as long as you credit us. Please link back to this page ( and include the following citation:


Abeler, J., Nosenzo, D. & Raymond, C. (2019) Preferences for Truth-telling, Econometrica 87 (4), 1115–1153


The source code for this website is in our github repository.

The Stata code for the meta study and the static graphs in the research paper is here.

The entire data set of the meta study (in csv forms) is here.

The R/Shiny code for the interactive graphs on this website is available here.

If you want to use the static graphs in a presentation or publication, high-resolution pictures are included in this sample PowerPoint presentation.

You can imbed the interactive graphs into your website by using the following direct links:

Figure 1 (Average report and effect of incentives):

Figure 2 (Distribution of reports):

Figure 3 (Men vs. women):

Figure 4 (Country):

Figure 5 (Repetition):

Figure 6 (Individual-level analysis):